Finding a Wholesale Toy Supplier: 3 Tips to Win

Running any type of business can be challenging and when it comes to companies in the retail space you’re usually reliant on wholesale providers ranging from produce companies that supply restaurants to product manufacturers of all types. Looking at the toy world, we have been a leading manufacturer for over 30 years so we thought it would be helpful to provide a few tips for finding the best suppliers.
The first tip we have is to find a toy supplier with the capabilities to deliver the volume and quality you need whether it’s for smaller orders starting off or massive demand during the holidays. Your business can only generate sales on the products you have to sell, so keeping your inventory stocked up is critical.
In this day and age information is key, especially when it comes to understanding industry trends, and you should look for a toy supplier that can not only deliver the quantities you need, but also give you insights on what’s trending now, the next best things, etc. Essentially, guide you based on their experience to help you win.
Lastly, having a transactional business relationship is one thing where X is paid for Y, but many times the best relationships are born out of communication. At UPD, we’ve always focused on customer service and welcome retailers into our showroom in Vernon, California to meet with our team and explore the thousands of products we have to offer at any given time. These are the kinds of relationships we enjoy building.
If you have any questions about this post or are interested in working together, feel free to give us a call at (323) 588-8811